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24 entries.
David Baldwin wrote on August 31, 2015
Dear Sir

I have just found your information and link regarding your third cousin, my reason for the email is i have been trying to find out info on a Hurricane that crashed in Ightham Kent during the Battle of Britain, My mother and her parents lived in Ightham and my grandfather witnessed the Hurricane crash infact he was the first to get to the plane as it was in the field next to their house, unfortunately due to the fire and the machine gun bullets going off in all directions even between his legs he could do nothing which grately upset him this has always stuck with me since i was around 7 years old and i have often wondered who the pilot was, fast forward to yesterday and i am talking with my neighbour who has a company that makes airframes and restores Spitfires he has also attended many ww2 plane digs in the area and i was talking about the planes that crahed in Ightham straight away he reeled the names of the two pilots and one was your 3rd cousin so this chance conversation has confirmed that it was Malcolm that my Grandfather had tried in vain to get to during that horrendous day, my mother told me just this evening about the overhead dog fights that went on on thate fateful day. I am planning on taking my mother who is now 85 years old back to Ightham to show me where the crash site was. I also intend to visit Malcolms Grave to pay my respects when i am next in Sheffield for my work.

Very best regards

David Baldwin
Jane Haimes wrote on September 30, 2010
Great site Justin. I decided in early September 2010 to try to find out more about 2nd cousin Mac Ravenhill. I knew his brother, Freddie and father Fred well and often stayed with them at Norfolk Road, Sheffield. Uncle Fred would be given tickets for, and often attend the British Legion Memorial Service in the Royal Albert Hall each year. I discovered today, the name of the lady who is looking after Mac's grave in Sheffield.
I am sorry we lost touch in the past. You and Suzanne are my only link to 'our' Ravenhill family. My mother, Stella was Mac's first cousin as was your grand-father Arnold.
I hope I hear from you. Best wishes,
Jane Haimes (formerly Brown, nee Chambers, mother Stella Ravenhill)
Suzanne Sharp nee Ravenhill wrote on September 26, 2010
excellent site little brother xx
Benedict Hughes wrote on February 1, 2006
A moving and interesting tribute. I found it when searching for details of Flt/Lt L H Schwind whose hurricane crashed on Wildernesse Golf Course in September 1940 (near where I live - about 5 miles from Biggin Hill).
Jan Ravenhill wrote on March 15, 2005
A very interesting article. Could you be be a relative of my husband?
Andrew Bary wrote on March 13, 2004
I came across this site while looking for information on my grandfather Wg Cdr Ronald Edward BARY, 41818, DSO DFC. I was pleased to find the photograph of him (then F/O) with your relative at Wittering in 1940. Like you, we know very little about him other than what we have from his log books and snippets from here and there. Ron was killed in April 45 when a 500lb bomb detonated in flight over ****za in Italy. Any info you come across would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards

Andrew Bary
ANDREW HENRY RAVENHILL wrote on February 21, 2004
Paul Webb wrote on November 23, 2002
Nice one, justin. It's clearly taken a lot of painstaking research, and the site is excellent. My family, like so many others, lost relatives in action in the war. Perhaps one day I'll come to you with some tips on how to start the research ball rolling!
Paul Crawlay wrote on December 7, 2001
Very interesting to read and what a brave man he was.
I am going through the same sort of thing only I am not researching for one man but every airman or groundcrew who are buried in Essex, England.
I am in the process of writing a book called 'Lest We Forget' so if any viewers out there would like to help me with my book I would be very grateful, what I want to know is: do you know of a grave in Essex?, do you know what they flew (inc serial No's) or what they worked on if they where groundcrew?, and one very important thing I would like to have and that is any old photo's of the decess (will return them in good order).
If you can help then please e-mail me.
I thank you all in advance.
Mark Saunders wrote on October 2, 2001
Very interested to read your site one lunch hour. The strange coincidences that exist are that I was born in Kent,not far from Ightam,a place I know well. I also now have a business in Sheffield!Have you been to the grave at City Road?
Mark Saunders
A. Ghani Yusoff (Singapore) wrote on July 27, 2001
Very good effort on your research. A brave pilot who gave his life for his country. Late Flying Officer Malcolm Ravenhill defenitely made his family and yourself proud.
craig inpreston lancs wrote on July 20, 2001
just a brillant site.keep up the good work less we forget the few.who gave there lives for freedom. goodluck
Jim Scott wrote on July 19, 2001
Very good site. Sometimes we tend to forget the sacrifices these young men made so we could live in freedom
Martin Gallager wrote on July 6, 2001
fascinating to read about someone so brave ( as all who were involved in the war were )if it was not for these people prepared to put their life on the line at a moments notice things might have turned out very different.
I think it is very important to remember what sacrifices our ancestors made when it was obviously a very traumatic time to say the least.
Michal Howship wrote on April 3, 2001
When i am older i want to be a pilot in the RAF!!!!!
Denis Woodward wrote on February 3, 2001
This is a superb sight. and shows the real life behind the hero`s of the RAF in war time.
I wish you the best of luck and hope you can complete the memory.
Phil Mills wrote on February 3, 2001
This is a great tribute to those who fought during the second world war. I only wish that I could of known my Grandfather better, who fought in France and later in North Africa, as he is no longer with us. I hope that the great sacrifices made by these men and women are never forgotten.
Victor Jorchar wrote on January 26, 2001
The history of our countries is built on the heroism of our ancestors. You have embarked on a Noble journey through the documentation of F/O Ravenill's history. Because of him, and others like him, we do not speck German.
Blaise Morris wrote on December 14, 2000
Your web site is a wonderful tribute to an obviously very brave pilot who gave his life (as did so many) for us all. You must be very proud to be related to him.