Crash Site, Ightham, Kent

Today I had the pleasure of finally meeting David Baldwin who contacted me 3 years ago regarding Malcolm’s crash site in Ightham, Kent. His Grandfather (who lived almost opposite the field) witnessed the crash and tried to help, but due to the aircraft being on fire ammunition was exploding, which meant he couldn’t get near. This deeply upset David’s Grandfather until he was told by other pilots and the MOD that Malcolm’s aircraft circled in the sky before belly-landing in the field – a sign that he was fatally wounded in the air. David’s mother was a young girl at the time and can recall what happened on that day and where.

David has been so helpful in piecing this information together, and has been instrumental in working with contacts and the Shoreham Aircraft Museum regarding a potential memorial. We both visited the museum this afternoon and met with Geoff Nutkins regarding the memorial project for Malcolm. We then visited the crash site in Ightham and, in glorious sunshine, a Spitfire flew directly above us whilst there. We now need to find out who owns the land so we can work with the museum to decide the best position and gain permission for siting a memorial.

Crash Site, Ightham, Kent

You can also view this photo on the photos page.

By Justin Ravenhill

Relative of Malcolm Ravenhill, author of website.

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