In my never-ending search for more photographs, I recently stumbled across a few of Hurricane P2907. This is the aircraft Malcolm force-landed following combat when it ran out of fuel in France.

The full description of the incident can be found in his official combat report from 17th May 1940. An extract from the report is as follows:

I found myself later over very wooded and hilly country and decided to forced land in a ploughed field
approx. 600 yds long and into wind. One side of the field is the main Paris-Dieppe road and on the
other the Foiet de Bray. I circled the field once, lowered my undercarriage etc. and as I was on the
cross wind leg of the approach into the field my petrol supply ran out and I could not restart the
engine with the emergency starter on the gravity tank should it have contained any petrol.
I therefore only had just enough time to pancake the aircraft on top of the trees and crash through.
I left the aircraft in the care of the local Police at Forges Les Eaux, and proceeded to Poix by road and
thence to Abbeville by air

The photos can be viewed on my photos page.

By Justin Ravenhill

Relative of Malcolm Ravenhill, author of website.

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